2024 Vacation Bible School Video & Photos
Our 2024 Vacation Bible School took place on Sunday, July 7 through Thursday, July 11. Camp Firelight VBS invited children and youth to learn to trust God in every situation. We sang with our live VBS band, heard amazing stories grounded in scripture, played exciting games, created cool crafts, shared snacks, did science experiments and had loads of memorable fun together. Our goal for campers was to know that we can turn to God and trust God to help us share love with the world! THANK YOU to everyone who made our Camp Firelight Vacation Bible School experience one we will never forget!

2023 Vacation Bible School Video & Photos
On July 9 to July 13, PUMC’s Hero Hotline VBS invited everyone to be called together to serve God! During this special week, we sang with our rockin’ live VBS band, heard amazing stories grounded in scripture, played exciting games, created cool crafts, worked together, and joined God in helping others. We learned everyone’s gifts are valued and each hero has a role to play. We all can strive, in both expected and unexpected ways, to bring peace, love, and justice to the world.