Support Groups
Widows Group
The Widows Small Group is a social and support group. We meet monthly for an activity away from the church. We always eat and have a lot of fun. The members plan their activities for the year ahead. We are there to support and guide each other. New widows are invited to join. Our members know that there is always someone to listen and help them through any experience. We work to serve the church by acting as ushers, greeters, hostesses for coffee hour, as well as helping with other church functions.
Meeting Date/Time: Third Friday of the month at 11:30AM
Meeting Location: Off-site
Contact: For more information, contact the church office at 815-436-9651 or via email

Lunch Bunch
The Lunch Bunch is a small group gathering over Zoom to share in prayer, learning, devotion, and fellowship. The group studies a variety of special topic and seasonal materials meant to impact faith and life. Meets Mondays from 11:30AM to 1PM.
Meeting Date/Time: Mondays
Meeting Location: Zoom
Contact: For more information, contact the church office at 815-436-9651 or via email