Welcome to the Children’s Nursery at Plainfield United Methodist Church!
The nursery staff considers it a privilege to care for your child while you worship with us. Please read the following information about our nursery, so that both you and your child will feel secure while he or she is under our supervision. If you have any questions or concerns please contact Sherry Steele, Minister of Faith Formation at 815-436-9651 or via email.
Nursery care for babies through kindergarteners is available throughout Sunday morning at 8:15AM to 12:15PM (9:45AM to 10:15AM in the summer). The nursery is located in room 208. Our staff members are paid professionals who are background checked and vaccinated. Families using the nursery will need to register their children the first time they drop them off.
Register your child’s name and any special concerns on the sign-in sheet. First time visitors, please introduce your family to a staff member. If you plan to bring your child to the nursery regularly, please complete an information page that will allow us to better care for your child’s needs.
Pagers for Parents
When you sign-in your child, you will receive a pager. This allows the nursery staff to contact you throughout the building if they need you. Pagers should be turned in when you sign your child out of the nursery.
Children’s Belongings
Please label all items that belong to your child to ensure that they make it back to you. The following is a suggested list of items to bring for your child:
Diapers or pull-ups and diaper wipes
A bottle or sippy cup
Any special instructions
Snacks will be served to toddlers. If you prefer that your child not be given a snack, please inform the nursery staff. Also note any special dietary needs to the staff and on the sign-in sheet.
If your child is ill, please refrain from bringing him or her into the nursery. If you notice any symptoms such as:
runny nose with yellow or green discharge
discharge from eye (pink eye)
vomiting or diarrhea
undiagnosed rash
Please keep your child with you. In providing a safe environment for all of the children at the nursery, we want to ensure that it is also a healthy one.
Sign Out
Please sign your name next to your child’s name on the Sign-In sheet when picking up your child. Don’t forget to turn in your pager.
Worried your child will have trouble being left in the nursery? Here are some suggestions for “good good-byes.”
If your child doesn’t like to see you go, you’re not alone. At around 6-8 months, many babies experience separation anxiety. This healthy, natural part of growth is simply a sign that your child loves you and wants to be with you. Fortunately, a few simple steps will make this time a little easier:
Arrive early enough for a routine signing in, hugging, and saying good-bye.
Establish a routine for picking child up, too.
Say good-bye to small friends and caregivers.
Observe the group, but don’t get down to play with your child, this raises his/her expectations that you will stay.
Say good-bye to your child; tell your child when you will be returning (for instance, I’ll be back after church service).
Let caregivers help with the good-byes. They can involve the child in a favorite activity.
Copyright 1995 by Laity in Ministry, General Board of Discipleship, The United Methodist Church
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