Join Us for Holy Week & Easter
Easter Cantata - Palm Sunday Worship
Join us on Palm Sunday, April 13 for worship. The PUMC Chancel Choir will lead worship at 8:30AM and 11:00AM with the Easter Cantata, At His Name. This is a special presentation you won't want to miss! Everyone is welcome!

Easter Eggs-travaganza
All ages are invited to the Easter Eggs-Travaganza on Sunday, April 13 from 9:30AM to 11:00AM in Fellowship Hall! We’ll have a light breakfast with pastries, juice, and coffee. We’ll be creating prayer bottles as we prepare for Easter. Children up to 5th grade will be sent out on a hunt for 1000 Easter eggs and our youth will compete for SWEET PRIZES! Join us in our Fellowship Hall! You may want to bring along a basket or bag for the egg hunt. No registration is necessary. Everyone is welcome!

Good Friday Worship
Friday, April 18 at 7:00PM
Join us for a Good Friday service, moving from light to darkness, as we retell and remember the death of Jesus.

Easter Sunday Worship
Sunday, April 20 at 8:30AM and 11:00AM
Everyone is welcome to celebrate Easter at Plainfield UMC! Christ is Risen!

Easter Sunday Breakfast
Everyone is invited to the Easter Sunday Breakfast on Easter Sunday, April 20 at 9:45AM to 10:45AM. This is a fundraiser for the Youth Mission Trip. Youth families are encouraged to provide breakfast dishes. Even if you are not going to be in town, you can bring a dish during the week and it can be warmed up or cooked. We also need help with setup, serving, and clean up. Please contact Rebecca Martinovich at with what you can bring, if you can help on Easter Sunday, or if you have any questions..