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Special Interest Groups

Moms Encouraging Moms

Moms of all ages and stages are welcomed to this Small Group of friendship and fellowship! We have activities like "Mom's Night Out," park playdates, and Zoom chats. Our active (private) Facebook page keeps us connected through posts like our weekly "Prayer Share" and "Monday Mingle."
Whether you are a "mom to be" or have grown children, Moms Encouraging Moms is a Small Group for you! For more information or to join, contact Megan Marconi & Sharla Brender at


Meetings/dates/times/location details are shared via Facebook, email, and the church bulletins.

Leaders: Megan Marconi and Sharla Brender

Contact Information:

Open Textbook in Library

Women's Book Group

All women are welcome to join us for good reads and great discussion! This group is open to women of all ages. We currently have participants who range in age from their 20’s to their 80’s! We read a wide variety of styles and stories, both fiction and non-fiction. Book titles are chosen by the participants. During the summer, the group hosts a special “Book and a Movie Series.” Participants read a book and then gather at a member’s home or local theater to snack, discuss, and watch the movie version of the month’s selection. In addition to sharing a love of reading, participants support one another, laugh together, and serve in yearly mission projects.


Meeting Date/Time: Third Thursday of each month at 7:00PM (monthly)
Meeting Location: PUMC or Zoom
Contact: Pastor Sherry Steele at 815-436-965 or via email

Gardening Group

The Gardening Group has something to offer for any aspiring green thumb. The group schedules a variety of outings at least monthly across a broad range of activities – from outings to the Morton Arboretum and The Growing Place, to educational sessions at the Plainfield Public Library, to a visit to Naperville’s Riverwalk. Want to learn how to start a vegetable garden? Not interested in vegetables, but excited to hear the latest tips for flowering gardens? Pick and choose the garden group’s activities that meet your interests and schedule.

Meeting Date/Time: Varies, at least monthly during spring and summer months
Meeting Location: varies
Contact: Church offic
e at 815-436-9651 or via email

Gardening Together
Bikes on a Bridge

Cycling Group

Fun, fellowship and fitness are the goals of the Cycling Group at Plainfield UMC. Whether you are new to cycling or have been riding for years, we hope you will consider joining us!  Our typical ride is 15-20 miles at a pace of 12-13 miles per hour.


This Group is designed for:

Those who enjoy riding their bicycle but wish they could ride with a group, who want to explore some of the great bike paths. Those who wish to stay (or get) in shape. Anyone wanting extra motivation to get off the couch!


The specific activities for this group include things such as:

At least a couple of group rides per month in the warm season. Ride times vary from week to week. Basic bike maintenance. One long full-day destination ride each year. In past years we’ve ridden from the church to Starved Rock State Park, and to Lake Geneva, WI.


Encourage others in the church and community to join our group!

Meeting Date/Time: Various times, generally 2-3 times per month in the warm season
Meeting Location: Off-site (various regional bike paths, etc.)
Contact: Church office at 815-436-9651 or via email

©2023 by Plainfield United Methodist Church

15114 S. Illinois St., Plainfield, IL 60544


Office Hours

Monday to Thursday 9:30AM to 3:30PM

or by appointment

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