Food and Fun Groups
Men's Breakfast Group
The Men’s Breakfast Group is open to men of all ages. The men enjoy fellowship over coffee and breakfast. This is a time when friendships have been developed, particularly for those new to the community or church. During the Lenten Season they meet each Wednesday and share in a devotional time led by a community clergy person. During the rest of the year they meet in various restaurants on the third Wednesday of the month.
Meeting Date/Time: Third Wednesday of the month at 8:15am (monthly)
Meeting Location: various area restaurants
Contact: For more information, contact the church office at 815-436-9651 or via email

Restaurant Samplers
The Restaurant Samplers small group is made up of semi-retired/retired couples who love to go out to eat. Over the years they have sampled food in towns throughout the Chicagoland area. They plan their monthly outings through recommendations from group members. Close friendships have formed by being in fellowship with one another. Each year the group chooses a service project that they can accomplish together.
Meeting Date/Time: Fourth Thursday of each month.
The November and December meetings are combined into one special Holiday Dinner.
Meeting Location: Various area restaurants
Contact: For more information, contact the church office at 815-436-9651 or via email

Fun Men's Group
The “Fun” Men’s Group invites men of all ages who enjoy good food, fellowship, and service around our church and community. The group meets at different restaurants and pubs in the area right after the 11:00 am service. Besides its monthly lunch meetings, the group helps out with various events throughout the year, including the Really Really Free Market, the Senior Dinner and other jobs necessary around the church.
Meeting Date/Time: First Sunday of each month, 12:30 pm (monthly)
Meeting Location: Off-site (local restaurant)
Contact: For more information, contact the church office at 815-436-9651 or via email

Kinect: Believers Group
This is one of the newest small groups in the church! We typically meet on the first Friday evening of the month for a pot luck supper with a brief devotion or time of sharing at each meeting. Please come and join us as we grow in friendship and faith!
Meeting Date/Time: One Friday each month
Contact: Patty Habersberger dsh01@comcast.net
Karen Mizwicki karenmizwicki@gmail.com