Growing in Faith
We invite you to become a part of the exciting things happening in the educational ministries of Plainfield United Methodist Church! We believe that Christian education is an ongoing process of growth that is important for all ages. Jesus Christ calls us to lives of discipleship. Our educational programs encourage learners to nurture a dynamic relationship with God. This relationship leads us into service to God and to the world. Please click on the links below to discover more about our educational opportunities.
Sunday School for Children and Youth
We encourage children and youth to set aside this hour each week to grow in knowledge and faith! Classes meet Sunday mornings at 9:45AM to 10:45AM in between worship services. Our outstanding volunteer staff members undergo a background check and receive training to prepare them for our classroom. Special attention is given to the variety of learning styles. Children with special needs are joyfully welcomed! Classes use curriculum resources to explore the Bible and our faith tradition through stories, games, art, music, drama, and fellowship. Classes participate in hands-on learning opportunities and mission projects to deepen their understanding. Each year, the Sunday School Program adopts a special mission project and all offering collected during Sunday School supports this project.
With all the chaos and craziness in the world right now, your child could use a safe, caring place to wonder, ask big questions, find support, and grow in their faith. Each week, our dedicated volunteers become spiritual companions for your child, providing fun and meaningful experiences as they walk through this topsy-turvy life. They will learn the stories of scripture and the traditions that ground us in God’s story. They will discover a place where they can share their greatest joys and their biggest worries. They will see themselves as a part of a larger community working to change the world for the better.
NEW for 2024-2025!
We are adding Sunday Fundays, where we gather in a large group for music and the story, and then head to various sites and stations for art, cooking, science, games, puzzles, reflective activities, and so much more. This multi-generational, messy “funday” will be a great opportunity to build engagement, invite friends, and celebrate our monthly theme. Sunday Funday dates are October 27, November 24, December 22, January 26, February 23, March 23, April 13, and May 18.
You and your family are invited to journey with us – life’s better together! If you have questions, please contact Pastor Sherry.
Adult Education
Christian education is a life-long journey! We offer a variety of classes for adults. They have a range of formats, topics, and meeting times. Check out the church calendar, announcements, and newsletter for additional information on current classes. If you would like more information about any of these classes or other educational opportunities, please contact Pastor Sherry.
God and Country
Plainfield UMC offers classes from the God and Country Program. This program is recognized by the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts of America. Participants who complete the program receive special recognition for their accomplishment. Classes include:
God and Me (1st through 3rd graders)
God and Family (4th and 5th graders)
God and Church (Jr. High Students)
God and Country (High School Students)
To learn more about the individual programs, check out the official website at www.pray.org. Classes are typically led by Pastor Sherry Steele and additional parent volunteers. All children, whether in scouts or not, are welcome to attend. Please check the church calendar for dates and time of the next class. If you are interested in being notified when the next class is occurring, contact Pastor Sherry.
WHAM! (We Have a Mission)
PUMC’s mid-week program, WHAM!, is for all kids in kindergarten through fifth grade. WHAM! stands for We Have a Mission! Each month kids will be serving hands-on in different mission projects locally, nationally, and globally. We meet on the 1st Wednesday of the month to learn about our project and discuss the need that needs to be met or the injustice that needs to be addressed. Kids are divided into special breakout groups by age for reflection. Then, we participate in the project hands on. Projects have included Trick or Treat for UNICEF, Feed My Starving Children, local food pantries, women and children’s shelters, and local nursing homes. Contact Pastor Sherry for more information.
Playful Praise
Playful Praise is for preschoolers through kindergarteners during the 11AM worship service. Following the children’s sermon, the children are invited downstairs to room 202 to join in praising God through hands-on worship, learning and play activities. This is not intended to be a Sunday School program, but a transitional learning opportunity for children learning how to be in worship.
Vacation Bible School
Forget old Sunday School felt boards and tired crafts!
We create interactive experiences that will spark your child’s imagination and enhance their faith journey. With rockin’ music, compelling stories, goofy games, creative crafts, and so much more, your children will have an experience they will never forget! Our Vacation Bible School typically takes place the first full week after the July 4th holiday and is for preschoolers (age 3 by Sept. 1) through students entering 8th grade in the fall. Kids are encouraged to save their coins for our “heavy offering” each year. It’s a contest! Who will win each year’s competition to raise the most money for our mission project?!?
Join us in making a real difference.