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Children in Worship

This, this is where children belong,
Welcomed as part of the worshiping throng.
Water, God’s Word,
bread and cup, prayer and song:
This is where children belong.
— James Ritchie
© Abingdon Press, admin. By the Copyright Co.

Kids of all ages, with all of their wiggles, shouts, giggles and tears, are welcome in our worship services. Children’s bulletins and worship bags are available from the ushers or near the entrance to the sanctuary.

Our nursery is located on the second floor in

room 208. The nursery is available for the

following ages from September-May:

8:30AM worship — infants through kindergarten

9:45AM education hour — infants and one year olds

Three-year-olds and up are invited to join us for Sunday School

11:00AM worship — infants through two year olds

Preschoolers & Kindergartners are invited to Playful Praise

Nursery hours June-August:

10:00AM worship — infants through preschool

Playful Praise

Playful Praise is a worship opportunity for preschoolers and kindergarteners during the 11:00AM worship service in September-May. Children should sit with their parents at the beginning of worship. Following the children’s sermon, they will move to their classroom with the class leaders. Parents can pick the kids up in room 202.

Girl Drawing

Children and Communion

In the United Methodist tradition, children of all ages are encouraged to participate in Holy Communion. All of us, including children, can experience God’s love and grace through the Lord’s Supper. The decision regarding when a child may first receive communion lies primarily with the parents. If the child is not participating in communion, parents are encouraged to bring them forward and to request a blessing from the pastors. If you have questions, please contact the pastoral staff for more information.
When you come forward to receive communion, the server will hand you the bread or wafer.  You will then dip the bread into the juice (be careful not to get your fingers in there too!). You may want to say “Amen” or “Thanks be to God”  as a response to God’s gift!

©2023 by Plainfield United Methodist Church

15114 S. Illinois St., Plainfield, IL 60544


Office Hours

Monday to Thursday 9:30AM to 3:30PM

or by appointment

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